Archive For The “Photographs” Category

Balingup comes alive. I took the family and kids on an excursion into the past. We visited Balingup for the annual Medieval Festival. Its a wonderful event and the kids just loved the people dressed for the event. Here are a selection of photo’s I took. You can check out the rest of the good…

I recently had the pleasure of tagging along on a Wineography Tour of the Fergsuson Valley with some Happy Snappers from the Bunbury area. Below are some highlights of the day. Happy to report, our group, Team Erica won the days challenge….

Spent some time in Bunbury and took some photographs for a client. Below are some images which didn’t make the cut.

We travelled to Perth for Mother’s Day and visited with the Granny’s. We took a detour to Fremantle on the way home and took some “Rusty” photo’s to submit to my photography group. Below are a few photo’s which I liked enough to publish. Taking great photo’s take some effort.

Gulls are typically medium to large birds, usually grey or white, often with black markings on the head or wings. They typically have harsh wailing or squawking calls, stout, longish bills, and webbed feet. Most gulls, particularly Larus species, are ground-nestingcarnivores, which will take live food or scavenge opportunistically. Source: Wikipedia