Great news for all those Windows Mobile fan boys who are gagging for a new version of the much ridiculed smartphone operating system
There is a lot of chatter around the “pipes” at the moment about an engineer who listed Windows Mobile 7 (Beta) in his profile on Linked-in.
3. Joining Caesar product development, lead a team to do telephony feature and other applications development. Migrated relative applications from Windows Mobile 6 to Windows Mobile 7
Language: C++
Tools: VS2008, AKU, Platform Builder
Runtime Environment: Windows Mobile 7.0 (Beta)Source
If this is true, many long suffering Windows Mobile fans will rejoice and dancing in the streets. After the recent slaughtering that the Microsoft smartphone has been dealt by the likes of RIM (Blackberry) and Apple (iPhone), Fan boys are looking for any news about their much loved platform.
In this tech junkies opinion, it’s about time!! Microsoft is about to fall off a cliff into obscurity if they don’t extract the digit and release something more compelling for the die hards out there and attract some ex-users back to the platform.
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